Lyric – The Moment

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    The half/three quarter finished lyrics in progress got pushed back again by the emergence of this one from the left field this morning. Based loosely on a first-hand experience from a veteran of 28 – he was 20 at the time – I heard him speaking in a BBC programme a couple of years ago and his story resonated and stuck. The situation and location were different but the shooting and his search for redemption are similar… and I suppose I felt the need to express it as best as I could. 😐

    This is part of my FAWM (February Is Album Writing Month) an international songwriters challenge – extended by necessity to the end of March – 14 in all, from different genres and styles, so nearly there.8-)


    [b]The Moment

    Patrolling in the desert, near Basra, South Iraq
    I sidled up a small dune, with the sun behind my back
    We had stopped for a rest break and I needed to relieve
    So I walked into the desert on the eve of Christmas Eve

    With my rifle on my shoulder, I smiled when I was done
    Then a young man swung around the dune and that young man held a gun
    I had first sight advantage but his gun was in his hand
    We had ourselves a showdown, in a sand-filled no-man?s land

    I had the licence: I was a soldier after all
    At the time that didn?t matter, at the time all I recall
    Is the instant of a moment and in the truth that moment said
    That at the ending of that moment, a young man would be dead

    My rifle snaked from my shoulder and I shouted a command
    ?On your knees and drop your gun? and I thought he?d understand
    But he stood there and he smiled at me, as if he hadn?t heard
    Then he raised his other hand in peace and he calmly scratched his beard

    ?Shako Mako? he said to me lyrically, like a chorus from a song
    Close to the truth ?cos I later learned it meant ?What?s Going On?
    Then his smile stopped and his gaze dropped, to the gun down at his side
    Then he looked back up, sadly shook his head but his eyes were open wide

    I had the licence: I was a soldier after all
    At the time that didn?t matter, at the time all I recall
    Is the instant of a moment and in the truth that moment said
    That at the ending of that moment, a young man would be dead

    These days I?m a kind of a cowboy, I took a job out on a ranch
    At the weekends I?m a preacher, in an offshoot of a branch
    And I?m seeking my redemption but I don?t know how to start
    See that young Iraqi?s not the only one with a hole straight through his heart

    I had the licence: I was a soldier after all
    At the time that didn?t matter, at the time all I recall
    Is the instant of a moment and in the truth that moment said
    That at the ending of that moment? two young men would be dead




    I hope you are going to put music to those lyrics ?

    It reminds me a bit of the Irish rebel songs of the sixties, believe it or not the forces use to listen to them too.
    Hope to hear it to music soon Love Eve



    Hi Eve,

    Yes, I am going to put it to music… just four more lyrics to finish the FAWM project and then into the studio (well, my dining room actually). I have melodies for most of them and this one is already catered for so I'll do it first as a request from you.:-D

    As for the rebel songs (and Eric Bogle) I have sung them all at one time or another and one in particular, 'The Town I Loved So Well' was a regular request at a folk club I ran in my first pub in Wales from the squaddies from nearby Brawdy Barracks.:-)




    hi Dai

    Out of interest,have you ever seen or heard of the Zulu warrior,the reason I ask,is you mentioning the local barracks requesting rebel songs,they were banned in barracks ,Once heard and seen never forgotten.

    I think the words ring true,kill or be killed.different world.time and place, keep writing,you have something to say ,love Eve

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