Hello all. Just a bit of background. I was diagnosed with MGUS in 2008 ish which developed into Myeloma in the Spring of 2013. I started Trial chemo (RCD) in June but suffered liver cirrhosis (and also a sodium crash). Both these were blamed partially on the trial drug (Relivmid) and this was stopped after 3 cycles. Cyclophoshate (?) and Dexamethosone were continued for a 4th cycle by which time my paras had dropped to 5-6, and so chemo was “temporarily” suspended. I’m glad to say that my paras remained pretty much stable until this last Summer, when they started creeping up from around the 10 mark to 16.1 5 weeks ago. Consequently, almost 5 years to the day, I restarted treatment yesterday. Because of my liver, SCT is not being considered and I am (for now) just having sub-cutaneous Velcade weekly & 8x 10mg Dextro per 4 weekly cycle. However, there are the other anti-side effect meds, some of which have potential side effects of their own. These are all common drugs associated with myeloma treatment so hopefully someone can advise me how best to space so many drugs to avoid dangerous inter-reactions and minimise side effects in general.
The drugs directly concerning the Myeloma are, with general recommended dosage times:
Dexamethosone (with/after breakfast; currently scheduled for Wed & Thurs)
Ferrous Fumerate (twice daily avoiding milk/grain/cereal)
Omeprazole (morning)
Co-trimoxazole (with food)
Aclicovir (twice daily)
Allopurinol (with food)
In addition, I am on Carvedilol to minimise the risk of bleeds caused by the liver cirrhosis (varices). This is to be taken with food, but apart from a temporary reduction in blood pressure is well tolerated with very few dangerous inter-reactions. Note, I have been taking these for some years with Omeprazole, so the latter is not newly prescribed.
Thanks for any advice
Phil, Manchester