medical alert

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ericplummer 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Following my SCT I am looking at getting a medical alert bracelet. I think MedicAlert are the original providers of these and are a registered charity, but to buy anything from them you initially have to pay an annual membership fee of £25. They also do not stipulate how many characters you can have engraved but state "8-10 words". Can anyone advise on companies they may have used and what information you have included on your bracelet.



    Hi Phil

    I have an SOS Talisman Bracelet Like one here ::::

    Got mine Localy and it has a "Fold up sheet" inside that gives you space to put Contact details, allergys and things that need to be told to medics before treatment starts, hope you never have to use it 🙂 but it puts my mind at rest after my SCT.

    All the best Phil

    Tom Onwards and Upwards



    Hi Phil and Tom,

    Phil – thank you for asking the question and thank you Tom for your response. My husband Phil does not wear any jewellery but I have been worrying that carrying a card in his wallet may not be good enough, now that he is home from his SCT I need to research this a bit more and convince Phil that a bracelet is the way forward 🙂




    Hi Megan
    I was given "The Card" but I don't carry a wallet and the bracelet works for me.
    And it's important that we have the information about our bloods and our MM

    Tom xx



    Hi Phil
    I have a Medic Alert bracelet, which also comes with a small credit card info leaflet.
    My reason for using this system is that the bracelet clearly displays my diagnosis, stem cell transplant ,risk of GVHD ( graft versus host disease if given non- irradiated blood) and my allergies.(11 words total) with my registration number in the UK and the telephone number to contact Medic Alert from anywhere in the world.
    They hold all your information on a central data base, including Consultant and Hospital attending and General Practitioner. I chose this system as I hopefully will be spending lots more time in Spain and travelling to spend time with our daughter in New Zealand, and Medic Alert in known internationally.
    I work on the premise of better safe than sorry, but if you are not planning on travelling a local system might be OK for you.
    Hope this helps,



    Thanks for the advice. Going back to Megan's dilemma, I'm not a "jewellery" man either, but being single probably makes it even more important for me that I do wear something as I may be alone if and when something happened, and as I previously did do a lot of travelling, some of it on my own, and would like to start again, it is obviously best to go for something that is internationally recognised.



    Hi Phil
    My name is Steve we have a new type of medical alert wristband it is 100% silicone and contains a waterproof booklet and can contain upto 400 characters it comes in red,black and white we have three sizes 150mm,180mm,202mm and 230mm. We should have our web site up and running by 01.04.2013 please feel free to come see what we do and if we can help you.
    Regards Steve



    Does anybody know if there are free/charity sponsored wristbands available for those of us that have been hit very hard in the pocket due to illness?

    Many thanks in advance,

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