Melphalan outside of Stem Cell Transplant

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  davidainsdale 8 years ago.

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    Sorry folks, I’m just not well enough to wade through the 328 refs to Melphalan. I have had 6 different chemo treatments (e.g. Velcade, Revlimid, Panobinostat, Pomalidomide) w/o any sign of remission. Am currently on a clinical trial with Daratumumab although I think I’m going to be turfed out shortly because I’m not responding. My consultant was interested that I never had SCT hinting that Melphalan could be a possible option on reduced dosage (dosages). Does anyone have any info on Melphalan outside of SCT? I’d be very grateful. Thanks, David



    Hi David

    Sorry to hear that you are not well just now.  I had Melphalan as part of SCT but I suspect that the doses given outside of SCT are very different.

    There is some useful information on this website under the heading of ` drug finder’.  To save you looking here is the link.

    Melphalan, Prednisolone and Thalidomide (MPT) Infoguide

    The nurses on the Myeloma Info line are very helpful and well informed so why not give them a ring.

    Hope this helps.



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