mgus check up

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi All, Haven't posted in a few months but I do come onsite regularly and check up how everyone is doing. Went for my regular Mgus check and nothing has changed thank goodness. PP's are still at 30. I'm free for another 4 months.
    My best wishes to everyone. I hope things go well for you.



    Hi Sue

    Nice to hear from you,glad you have settled down and are coping with your diagnoses,many people on here are still at this stage for many many years,so lets hope as time goes by,your check ups will seem a bit easier.Although i know you must worry when the time comes round to be checked.

    I do not think this worry leaves any one even people who are in remission its just something you have to learn to live with,put it on the back shelf and when it comes round to your appointment,get your mind set ready again.

    Wishing you care free times Eve



    Hi Sue am pleased your check was OK 😀 you cant beat that fealing long may it last.

    Love Tom "Onwards and upwards" xx

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