MGUS diagnosis

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  iang 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi everyone, I hope you don’t mind me posting here as I have only been diagnosed with MGUS.  The trouble is I have not managed to speak to one person who has ever heard of it, which actually makes it all a bit surreal. I went to my GP in August for a follow up appointment after being discharged by a Private Consultant after having Hepatitis CMV. My GP went on to read a letter from the Consultant to me, which he hadn’t read before that moment. The last paragraph stating that due to Paraprotein being found in my blood this indicates that I am suffering from MGUS and should be tested again in 6 months. Well my GP just said that he didn’t know what it was and googled to find out what bloods he should be checking for in January. Can’t say this gave me a lot of faith in his abilities to treat me.

    In the meantime I had to have follow up bloods for the CMV which have indicated my red blood cells have risen to 104, they should be a maximum of 102 which isn’t a huge amount over but historically my red cell count has always been 96. At this point my GP I believe, was quite relieved to say I think we will refer you to a Haematologist, so that he would no longer feel responsible for me. So at this moment I know nothing else, (the GP was never sent the paraprotein level) I’m just waiting for an appointment at the Spire Hospital in Norwich. Does anyone else have appointments in this area. I’m just hoping I don’t end up having to travel further afield.

    Can just a paraprotein level diagnose MGUS or would other info be required? My GP doesn’t know but he said he would imagine the consultant would have considered this before stating that I had it.

    Thank you for letting me ramble, hopefully I will get an appointment any day now. Be nice to eventually talk to someone that hopefully will have heard of it.



    Hi Henrietta

    I think the Myeloma UK Infosheet about MGUS will put your mind at rest:

    I know of MGUS but I can’t add anything to what’s in the Infosheet. In fact I’m surprised that a paraprotein level of 30 g/L does not necessarily indicate Myeloma, which shows how little I know. If you want to explore further there is an MGUS forum on the Myeloma Beacon website:

    Take care, Ian



    Thank you Ian, I really appreciate your reply. I’ve got my appointment through for tomorrow. I do feel a bit apprehensive but weirdly looking forward to having the chance to talk about it. I know they say not to google much but I don’t seem to be able to find any direct info on the raised red blood cells alongside a MGUS diagnosis. Maybe they’re not linked but I just presume they are as the bone marrow is involved in both.



    I wouldn’t worry about a blood test result that is slightly outside what is considered to be the ‘normal’ range. The normal range for a particular result can vary from one lab to another. My guess is that the test result you’re referring to is MCV (mean cell volume). The test results from my local hospital, for example, say the normal range for MCV is 83 to 101 fL.

    Here’s hoping you get good news at your appointment with the haematologist. He/she will probably want to have fresh blood tests done, and possibly other tests depending on the results.

    Take care, Ian

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