MGUS – without symptoms?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Pilgrim 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    I put that as the heading for those of us told we have MGUS but are far from not having symptoms.

    My stats

    Diagnosed MGUS
    Typed as IgA Lambda
    PP's: 3.5 g/l
    sFLLC's: 131 mg/l
    kappa/lambda ratio: 0.01

    Though I'm considerably more fortunate than someone who has suffered bone damage and pain I am not without symptoms, which are difficult to associate directly with myeloma.

    I get back and hip ache which is tolerable but my digestion is wrecked and my abdomen always feels as if a donkey kicked me there the day before as well as having dizzy spells and balance problems.

    Any time that I remain still for a long period I am very unsteady when I get up and.First thing in the morning is very awkward but perversely if I got for a walk it gradually improves. My GP usually leaves me to the end, which gives her the chance to see a virtuoso performance of my symptoms (excuse me being flippant). Today I had the shakes too. I've had bouts of this before along with hyper-ventilation so I'm having a blood test for adrenal function.

    Next week I'll discover what my latest results are.

    I've got something – heaven knows what.



    My predominant symptom is my abdomen and awful digestion which isn't suggestive of myeloma I admit.

    The only possible link is if I have amyloidosis though I'm not sure that my results are suggestive of that.

    For a long time I have eaten one food item daily for six days a week because I know it makes me ill. It isn't a psychological problem, it's the only way I can eat. On the seventh day I eat a little more when I go out for the benefit of my sanity. I have an impressive ability to go without food and after last week I may be back to the fasting method to alleviate symptoms.

    To make matters worse my visits to hospitals usually end in conflict, which I find hard to see as being my fault. My GP persuaded me to go to Rheumatology even though I was reluctant earlier this year and when i went I was very unwell. I wasn't examined or tested and I was discharged without being told even though I had a very obvious problem. When I queried this i discovered that a diagnosis had been made to my surprise. Now the matter is at the Parliamentary and health Ombudsman and treatment is awaited after 8 months.

    If you have a problem that no one can diagnose it's easy to grab on to one unusual set of results and believe that must be the underlying cause which I believe is why doctors can be careful about passing on information but, in my case I react badly to information being withheld, and I have a legal right to know any medical results. I believe that I can be objective, especially if results are given with an explanation. I have had a bad experience with my kidney cancer when I wasn't told information and doctors don't understand that it will have a financial impact doing this to the patient.

    The Consultant Haematologist did kindly write to explain the situation to me, though by then I had already applied for my medical records and the two didn't match. I appreciate that medically those at risk of bone degeneration or with tumours are the ultimate priority in all respects, or those at most risk of developing bone deterioration but it is not helpful if others, especially those with symptoms, aren't informed.

    Of course, perhaps my problem is something else entirely, which is possibly the worst possible option.

    My next visit is on thursday and I have drawn up a form to take down my latest readings. Essentially the only important to me is the "sfllc" and I wouldn't have known this without applying for my medical records. I hope they don't refuse to give it to me or we'll be in conflict again.

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