MM and AL amyloidosis

This topic contains 18 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Thank you so much, I have also received the information that I asked about as well as the option to contact Cinziaz which I will do. I can't tell you what it felt like to see such fast responses.

    Thank you




    Hi Alan

    No problem,was aware of time lapse ,you are about 9 to 10 hours in front ,so quick reply,but I see Cinzia has replied anyway,sorry for thinking you were a he Cinzia:-P

    You might be a long way away,but the world is getting smaller!!
    I know of someone who has Amyloidosis,and he has problems ,because of lack of people with it,only 600 a year here,plus the only hospital that deals with it is the Royal Free hospital in London,but I believe the treatment is more or less the same for people with Myeloma.

    Good luck I hope we here from you again. Eve



    Pauline57 and Marc,
    Sorry to hear your news but and I mean but, don't despair. You didn't leave an email for a personal reply. I contacted Cinzia who ironically lives less then 3 km from me. She was a breath of fresh air amidst the fear. My Myeloma is fortunately early or around 10% and my AL was diagnosed after we thought I had gall bladder problems and found out that I had some large lymph nodes. When they tested them they found AL. I also have type 2 diabetes with good control. Recently I had a special MRI in Research and Development mode where they found that the heart has AL involvement which lead to a touch of Heart Failure for two months.

    I start Velcade next week and know that Cinzia has had good results with that Chemo. Do not read old things, if it's a year or more it's probably out of date Don't Google. Mayo Clinic, Boston Clinic etc. are reputable sites.



    Hi Alan
    Thanks for the reply. I, ve slept on the news and everything looks better after a coffee and cig ;).
    Shock over and fighting gloves back on! Lol
    Good to hear you're doing so well, if u don't mind can we keep in touch and swap storys 😉
    Seriously though thank you for replying and understanding.
    Keep healthy
    Pauline xx

    Ps. My e-mail is

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