Monitor this Post – boon or irritant?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Just a technical irritant on my part. When we reply to posts we have to uncheck the box to stop getting emails about replies. Is is possible to reverse this? So that we have to check the box if we want to be notified through emails? What's the consensus? If no one else is bothered then Ill try to remember to uncheck.. if, on the other hand it is deemed a nuisance then I will ask the tech team what they can do.

    I'm quite prepared for it to be just me,:-)




    Hello Dia

    I think the idea of opting in rather than opting out is a good one I never remember to uncheck good suggestion

    Love Jo 🙂

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