more newbie's sadly!!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  tonyf 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi John and of course June

    Aww that's a shame June is not doing too well am sure they will soon sort it out and its an Uphill struggle this road to remission, But its a doable trust me I did it in 2009 and am now in remission and drug free am pleased to tell you both.
    Stick with it you two and roll with the blows that are sent your way, and mind the Dex am sure June wont mean it.

    Love to you Both

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Hello John and June.
    Welcome to this merry band of individuals, not a place any of us want to be, but here we are.
    Sorry to hear that June has kidney and sickness problems, I'm sure that they will soon sort things out.
    I was 67 when diagnosed, went through the Myeloma XI drug trial, eventually had a stem cell transplant ( this February ) and am on the remission road, had a two month break from all clinics and am currently not on any drugs or treatment, except for a monthly penidronate infusion. Just as Tom says it is doable.
    You know it's a sharp learning curve and you learn more as you go along, don't let it stress you out, June needs you!
    Good luck to you both, let us know how it goes.
    Tony F

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