multiple myeloma scared ?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  san 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    hi my mum is having a few symptoms she confused now again her urine is smelly dark she gets exhausted going to toilet in wheelchair she has diaroeah a few times shes on thailo allupronall morphine patches she has pain in her back her sb2 is 5.5 very clammy and very angry with us she has lost lot of weight too and is not interested in anything sorry for rambling but dont no what to do tracey ps shes 74 and shes very stubborn wont hardly drink any water no matter what we say and her appetite is poor to say the least



    First things first. Slow down, take a deep breath and stand back for a couple of minutes.

    Next, write everything down, bullet points.
    Now contact the Myeloma nurses, if they can't help they may be able to suggest someone who can



    thankyou very much will do just bit scared thats all xx tracey



    Hi Tranka,

    First things first… follow Dick's excellent advice and contact the Myeloma Nurses on this board… there is nothing here that they have not encountered many times before. 🙂

    Secondly… If she is being stubborn and getting angry at you and your family then it is time for a bit of tough love. Read out to her the advice you get from the nurses and from this forum… the nurses have the medical knowledge and we have the personal experience. 😎

    Kidney problems, common with MM need to be avoided and if she doesn't drink then she will more than likely develop kidney problems. Just 2 days on the 3 Litres per day and she will start to feel very good indeed. Tell her that everything you are doing is driven by concern, care and love and she has to learn to accept that loving care and concern or she will end up in hospital or worse. It is plain silly of her to shun your efforts when she plainly needs your help. Be assertive but don't get angry yourselves and don;t coo and fuss… that will make her cranky. 🙂

    Most of her problems that I can see above are due to her small liquids intake. She should be drinking at least 3 Litres of liquid a day. It doesn't have to be plain water (although that is very good for her) but fruit juices, tea/coffee (decaff is best) squashes, fizzy drinks etc., whatever she feel like as long as she achieves the 3 Litres spread out throughout the day. 😎

    Take Dick's advice and write down all your points clearly… that will help you when talking to the medics and other willing helpers like MacMillan Nurses who can help with practical advice and a small bursary to help with initial expenses.:-)

    Welcome to the site, although we wish you didn't need our advice. Tell us your name as first contact, your Mum's name and where she is being treated.:-D

    Regards and best wishes 😎




    Thanks dai my name is tracey mums is jj and she's been treated dewsbury I took the advice the nurse is coming to see mum and the doc is giving her stronger patches feel better thankyou so much it's good getting to know people care thanks xx do the calcium viit d do any good or would they do more harm as her calcium level would already be high just a thought xx



    Hello Tracey, pleased to hear that the nurse is visiting your Mum, as Dick and Dai said the fluids are all important, Mum might be dehydrated and may even have a urine infection which will be easily resolved so some urine and blood tests should show up any current problems and hopefully Mum will feel better and be more receptive after she has been helped medically, if you are in any doubt contact Mum's GP or the unit where Mum is being treated better to get things checked out quickly, take care and best wishes San x



    Thanks San much is much brighter nurse did full check antibiotics and stronger patches did the trick her diarreo h bit worrying though best wishes tracey



    Ahh thats good to here, if diarrhorea continues then may be send a stool sample via GP hope that she feels better soon, good to hear that her pain may be better controlled now San x

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