Mum Diagnosed today.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  paulapurple 7 years, 8 months ago.

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    Found out today that Mum has Myeloma. She has been suffering with joint pain for 18months or more. Referred to orthopedics, respiratory doctor, physio and hydro therapy. Had blood test, X rays, mri eat. MM missed, only found today following 2 weeks in hospital following infection.

    Very confused since admission which seem to think was due to increased calcium in blood. Waiting for more results to decide on treatment.

    As you can imagine all family very peeved off this was missed previously.

    She is 71 and was quiet active previously.

    Hoping the treatment to be offered will improve her life.

    Just really wanted to say hi really as still in dark at moment and quiet numb.



    Sorry you are having a rough time of it. MM will often cause raised calcium levels of calcium in the blood. It can occur as a result of bone disease in which calcium is released into the blood stream when the affected bone is broken down.

    You may find the newly diagnosed pack from Myeloma Uk really useful to explain things, I did. You can down load it from the site. Bone disease doesn’t always show up on X rays until its quite advanced I think.

    Unfortunately it is often missed by GPs.

    Now she’s in the right place I am sure they will sort it our swiftly and get her on the right treatment.


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