Mums diagnosis

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sandie58 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi Sandie

    I empaphise with your mother as I too feel really well at the moment, in spite of having had surgery and being diagnosed in Sopt/Oct this year – my paraprotein reading was 10. I am interested that you Mum's Onc has recommended treatment even though she doesn't ahve any other symptons.

    As i have said in another post, I am not keen to be made ill with side effects when i don't feel ill at the moment and while I can be monitored to see that things don't take a turn for the worse. However, i may be living in cloud cockoo land, and may find myself on a tratment plan in the New Year.

    Best wishes to you and your Mum. I know how much joy I got by struggling down South to a family Wedding in the summer. The last long journey I did before MM! Not likely to do another for a whil, so my philosophy is do things while you can!




    Hi Mavis
    I don't quite understand. When my mums protein level was 11 they said that if it increased at a slow rate she would get to a 100 before needing treatment, and yours is 10. At that level they were still saying nothing to worry about. It was only when it jumped from 20-30 in 3 months that they were concerned. I would have thought that at 10 they would be just keeping an eye on you and not considering treatment. I was under the impression that it was only when it reached a higher figure that it definitely had turned to Myeloma.
    I know it is all a bit complicated so perhaps you have other factors? They found just one point on her clavicle that could be suspicious when she had her full body x-rays, but it doesn't cause any pain. She knows she has osteo arthritis but doesn't appear to have any new pain anywhere. I guess they know what they are doing and when the right time to start treatment is. Having read about other peoples bone problems, you certainly wouldn't want to delay treatment and then start to have problems with bones that couldn't be rectified. It is hard to think of treatment when you feel well, but I think you have to put your trust in the professionals.
    Hope your levels stay low and they don't have to treat you for a long time yet.
    Have a good Christmas!

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