Mums progress after bone marrow biopsy

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  sandie58 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone
    Well today we went back to get mums results from her recent bloods and bone marrow biopsy. Although I had hoped her protein levels may have dropped, they are in fact about the same, likewise kidneys and calcium levels. She is still a bit anaemic but is on iron tablets. So, the doctor had decided no treatment at the moment and will see her again in 3 months time. He confirmed that mum has slight multiple myeloma, but they don't like to treat with chemo unless the symptoms warrant it. I agree with this as mum looks and feels well. She is 85 and I'm hoping that if things stay the same she may not need treatment (if any) for another couple of years.
    Now onto my news…
    When I posted last I told you that I had some blood tests done before Christmas as I was getting alot of bone pain and other problems. When the report came back it said my protein levels were a bit of a grey area, and I asked my doctor to send the report to mum's haematology consultant. Someone lost the letter because the hospital said they hadn't received it and a couple of weeks ago I had to get my doctors to fax the letter through again. Anyway, I spoke with the consultants secretary yesterday to make sure he had read the report and as we were going today I asked if I could bring it up with him. So I did, and he said he'd looked at the report and I did have a slight increase in my protein levels and now I've got to have a full skeletal x-ray done with some more blood tests. Although all medical people say it is not genetic I have read posts on here saying to the contrary. If I do end up with early stages then there is definitely a genetic link!!
    I'm trying not to think about it too much at the moment as I have my mum to consider, but on top of many other medical problems I have, I really don't need something else on top. No point in worrying until I am told something bad I guess, but I can't help being concerned……
    Anyway I'm really busy with work at the moment so that will take my mind off of everything for a bit.
    Just thought I would get it out of my system but writing it all down.
    Love to everyone x



    Hello Sandie

    I think it will be ok for your mum as she doesn't need treatment yet and fingers crossed for you lets hope its just a false alarm

    Regards Jo 🙂



    Thanks Jo
    Do people get false alarms when their protein level is elevated? I guess if I didn't have so much bone pain I wouldn't have had the blood tests and I wouldn't be any the wiser. Perhaps having the pain has done me a favour and brought it to everyones attention. Then again, if I didn't have bone pain perhaps my protein levels would be normal. AArghhhh!!!!!With my mum the Consultant said her levels could go up and down a bit but they will never drop down substantially without treatment. I'm just hoping they stay on an even keel. I'm going to do some research and devise a healthier eating plan for myself and my mum. Lots of antioxidants couldn't hurt.
    Best wishes.



    Hi Sandie its good to hear your mum is feeling well and doesnt need treatment at the moment , long may it last Fingers crossed your scan wont show anything nasty .Work does have its good points keeping your mind busy though , hope you dont have to wait long love Bridget



    Hi Sandie

    Good to hear that your mum is feeling fit and well, and just to say that I hope your scans are clear, you must be feeling really freaked out by the whole process, and yep work certainly does have its bonus points sometimes.

    Good luck and keep us posted when you get your results.

    with love michelle x



    Thanks Bridget and Michelle
    I'm fairly stressed with work at the moment,but I'm trying not to think about it too much. I will feel better when I have the scans and new bloods done. I was tested a while back for my bone levels re: osteoporosis and was told they were a but lower than normal. That maybe just that I'm post menopause now (although still suffering with hot flushes!!). I also appear to have inheritated my mums osteo arthritis gene as I already have it in various joints and I'm only 58. I recently had my hips x-rayed because my 'sit' bone one one side is giving me pain. The x-rays showed that I had slight osto arthritis in my hips. That's about par for the course as each time I have a joint x-rayed they tell me the same thing. When they do the x-rays for Myeloma, do they know the difference between what looks like arthritis and what looks like bone damage due to Myeloma?
    When we saw the consultant this time it looked a bit ominous as there were two nurses in with him (one was a Myeloma nurse who was really nice and gave us an informaton pack). I thought, do they think we are going to get upset? The strange thing is that when my dad was diagnosed with cancer I fell apart, but he was 69. I find it hard to think that my mum actually has cancer at all as there are no symptoms, unlike my dad who couldn't eat properly and lost loads of weight. My mum is quite plump and looks really healthy. She gets tired but then she is 85 and takes various medications, some of which make you tired anyway. I think they have made the right decision in not treating her and I'm hoping it stays that way this year. She had a rough six months last year, and I wouldn't want her to feel ill because of the treatment. Even though she is 85 they have said that when and if the time comes of course they will start treatment.
    Oh well, I'd better get back to work. Will let you know when I have my tests and receive the outcome.
    Sandie x



    I can only tell you when my partner had his problems it showed up on ordinary x-rays.the skull and shoulder blades,the reason they do mri scann on spine is because there are so many little bones its hard to see on ordinary x rays.

    my partner was admitted within 10 min of first appointment.48 hours later he was like a new man,all test were carried out very quickly,You do not have much choice but to put your faith in these doctors.They do not know you and you do not no them,answers come only when right questions are asked.I asked for results of scan and got them,I asked were there lessons any were else told skull and shoulder blades,I do not think they would have told me if i did not have to be sure you want to know regards eve



    Thanks Eve
    I certainly would want to know and as the doctors are quite used to me asking questions when I go with my mum, they know what sort of person I am. If everything comes back clear then I will go back to my docs and try and find the cause of my various pain problems. I need to know one way or another……..

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