My Dad-cycle 2

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hello everyone,
    Well my lovely pa started cycle 2 last week, he is on the VCD chemo, so farthe only real side effect is fatigue, although dad says his back aches, spoke to nurse and she wasn't overly concerned. On the real plus side dad's kidneys have improved alot, so they have increased chemo, does it get increased anyway? The down side is that he is very anemic they are monitoring to see if he'll need blood transfusion.

    Feel sad today as my 2 boys are poorly, which is horrible in itself but I wont be able to visit for a while, hey ho, on we go. Happy thoughts to all. Thanks for reading, feels theraputic writting on here. Jen x



    *the upside is dad's kidneys are better* not the increase in chemo…. Obviously!!!! :-0 x



    Hi Jen,

    Glad to hear things are going well for your dad but sorry to hear your lads are poorly, it's such a shame when they are little.

    Chemo is horrible but the best bit about it is that, hopefully it will be effective and your dad will feel a great deal better when it is done and enjoy some time in remission when he is likely to be able to live a pretty 'normal' life.

    Keep smiling and I know you are giving your dad great support,

    Love Mari xx



    Good news on your dad Jen hope he goes from strength to strength. Hope boys start to feel better soon.

    Take care
    Jean x



    Hi Jen#

    great news on your Pa 😎 and am sure pa will have a lot of the fatigue over the time and to be fair it aint left me for long before its back and tells me to slow down :-S

    Hope your Two Boys are soon better also

    Tomm "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Jen
    It's good to hear your dads kidneys have improved. Sadly fatigue is something us MMers have to but up with – I find if I want to get anything done it has to be done in the morning because by 2pm I'm worn out and only good for reading or watching an old film on tv. You've got to listen to your body and not ignore aches and pains.
    Sorry the young ones are ill I hope they're better soon.

    All the best
    Andy x



    Hello Jen

    good news about your dad lets hope this is the start of a better time for him give him my regards
    Love JO X



    Hello Jen,

    Fatigue thing is very common. Colin could sleep on a clothes line, i am sure!. Really glad your dad is responding and hope your boys are better soon. Always better safe than sorry. I am sure my new name is Mrs Dettox because I disinfect anything within an inch of it's life to keep the bugs at bay!:-)

    Vicki x

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