My dads in a lot of pain

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jayne954 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    My dad has just started his treatment last week but is in lots of pain today. He’s on morphine sulphate slow release tablets and also has liquid morphine. Today he’s been really quiet and struggling to get in and out of the chair.  Really worried. is it worth me ringing our key worker tomorrow if he’s no better??



    Hiya Jayne,

    When I started my treatment I was very ill with a lot of pain and on both sorts of morphine. I found it took a few days to kick in properly and for me to become virtually pain free except when in certain positions.

    Don’t worry about becoming addicted to the morphine, take the oral 6 times a day if necessary as well as the slow-release tabs.

    If his pain doesn’t decrease a lot within a few days, speak to your team about maybe upping the dose – mine has just been doubled due to a problem with my arm.





    Hi taff. Thankyou for that reply. It helps a lot to talk to someone undergoing the treatment as it’s all new to us and not easy to watch someone in so much pain. He’s at the hospital tomorrow for his next injection so I’ll mention his pain then. Thanks once again. Hope you’re feeling much better now. Regards . Jayne



    Hi jayne954

    We’re is your dad’s pain ? If it’s in the spine have you asked about cementing my wife has a lot of pain in her spine due to really bad back damage we have 1 more scan to see if they can help her with pain by cementing. You did say your dad has just started treatment if the cycle he is on works (I’m sure it will) it will ease the pain my wife could not walk at one point when she was diagnosed now after 4 months of vtd cycle and a very good response and not long done a autologous stem cell transplant and she is going to do a allogeneic stem cell transplant.



    1. Hi Gary. Dads pain is lower back and ribs. A little better today but really pleased to hear the treatment has had good results for your wife so feeling bit more positive for dad now. Never had to deal with any thing like this before …. well had never even heard of myleloma until diagnosed.  He’s 81 and never had a days illness in his life. Was working three days a week up until Christmas. So pleased I’ve joined the forum as feedback is so helpful. Thankyou.  Regards. Jayne
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