My first Stem Cell Collection Tomorrow!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #100033


    Hi Vicki,

    The South West seems to have funding problems in certain areas. I would love to know what their funding criterias are. It is interesting that your consultant says that Periaxafor is 'not available' in the South West…That can only be due to funding decisions and not because of availability… It means that it is not an option due to cost. :-/

    David (Perkymite) had similar problems but was successful on his second attempt and look at him now! So I truly hope that plan 'A' part 2 works for Colin and for Chris… and that plan 'B' doesn't become an option… But if it were me I think I would be pressing for answers to the question 'What if?' just in case. 'Crossing that bridge when we come to it' needs to be clarified in my humble opinion… Surely they must have reached that point before and therefore they will know what the options are. If they have never reached that point before then it is positive news… Meaning they have excellent second phase results. Let's hope that is the case. 🙂

    I wish you well… I know it is not that easy to face up to or hold down a consultant when you are under such pressure.:-|

    Regards 🙂




    Hi Dai,

    Some good news, the hospital phoned yesterday to say that they are trying to fund the gcsf booster injection thingy. Won't know until the next week to ten days, but at least they are trying. It's like the Olympics here…..we got ourselves in the frMe of mind ready for the final (SCT) and then the date of the race changed!,. Will have to get back in the zone when we know our revised dates!

    Regards and happy olympics to all

    Vicki and Colin x

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