Hello everyone,
It has taken a while to get to this point to post on here. I have been reading about others journeys since my husbands diagnosis in January. At diagnosis his kappa light chains were over 20,000. He had anaemia and creatinine levels of 3.2 9MG/DL. He is on cycle five of cybord (cyclophosphamide, velcade and dex).
we are currently living in the US being treated at Maryland oncology by a great specialist in myeloma. In two weeks time we have to relocate back to the UK as my company will no longer pay for his treatment. His light chains where down to 56 at the last blood test. I think the plan will be a stem cell transplant in the coming months. He will be seeing a consultant in York who I believe will then refer him to Leeds for the transplant. He has been in contact with Professor Cook in Leeds who is the specialist in myeloma.
I guess I am reaching out to find out what to expect in the coming months and if there is anyone out there with a similar case to him. Multiple myeloma seems to be so different in everyone, it is difficult to find out information.
Multiple myeloma seems to be so different in everyone, it is difficult to find out information.
His US oncologist highly recommends him to have maintenance after the transplant. However, I don’t think this is done as commonly in the UK as it is here in the US. His FISH results were intermediate with t(4:14) and del(p13).
He is currently getting his head around this new normal with the fatigue, nausea, sleepless night’s and restless legs brackets are an hour ago s he is currently getting his head around this ‘new normal’ with the fatigue, nausea, sleepless night’s and restless legs (wonderful dex).
Thank you for taking time to read this.
This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by