My latest Consult

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  andyg 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi all.

    Today I had my latest three monthly consult. Nothing much has changed since my last one so it business as usual. I start my 21st cycle next Tuesday. Hopefully I can stay on this plateau for sometime to come.

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy

    That’s great news and such a relief for you. Long may the medication continue to keep your myeloma in remission.

    Jan x



    Good news…long may it continue!




    Good news Andy, Does it have anything to do with attitude? Enjoy the rest of the summer.




    Hi Andy,

    Glad to hear you are doing well. Mum also seems to be doing OK on pomalidomide, not much in the way of side effects after 3 cycles and a small reduction in both PPs and Light chains after one cycle – seeing her consultant on Weds this week so will see how they are doing after another cycle.

    Take care,




    Hi Andy

    Well done. So pleased for you. Hope it keeps going like that for a very long time. You deserve it.

    Best wishes




    Thanks everyone.

    Well cycle 21 is underway and I’m all Dexed up. Tablet 1 of my 21 Pomalidomide tablets has been washed down not with beer I hasten to add but water. I’ll raise a beer and wish good luck to cycle 21 on Friday. We’ve got a busy day Friday Steph and I we’re lunching with Ian and Maureen Sinclair, from this forum, and then Friday night celebrating my brothers 60 birthday.

    Richard are you saying I’ve got an attitude 😳 lol. We’ve got to make the most of what we have whilst we can 🍺😋🎉👍🏻 Going to enjoy the rest of the summer and whatever may follow. By the way how did your exams go?

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy x



    Morning Andy,

    An attitude can be a really positive thing, It’s just difficult when you’re right and everyone else is wrong and they don’t know it 🙂
    As for my exams, passed the first two and presently doing a practical in an old people’s home. I’m supposed to be doing care work but helping more with activities such as gentle exercise, crafts and of course searching for the odd one with Dementia that has gone on a wonder somewhere. I may as well experience an old people’s home now so I know what to expect if I last that long. The residents are really helping with the German as well but like children, when they don’t like what they hear then they become a bit petulant. A couple of times I’ve had “Ich nicht verstehen!” (I don’t understand!). You have to be a bit detached when you see photos of some of the residents from just a few years ago, full of life with friends and family and then see them now, confused or bed bound.

    As for the German exam, I’m not too hopeful, everyone struggled with one section and my written grammer is poor at the best of times. I’ll find out how poor in September I expect. Anyway, as you say Andy everyday is a gift and I’m just not going to sit around doing nothing.



    Hi Andy,

    Just to say that at Mum’s consultation it seems that the pomalidomide is not working for her. The hospital have told me that there is no further suitable treatment for her so they will just monitor her bloods. None of us really know how things will develop but her myeloma numbers are currently PP44 and Light Chains 12,000, without any treatment I am sure these will rise. At the moment she is quite well with no pain even with these numbers so hopefully that will continue for a while.

    All the best,
    Jill x



    Hi Jill.

    I’m sorry that Pomalidomide didn’t work for your Mum especially since the side effects are very mild – well for me they have been. I know once it fails on me I’ll be tried on either Melphalan or Bendamustine which are both very harsh drugs. That was the plan anyway the last time my consultant and I talked about it.

    Your mums numbers may not necessarily rise she may be stable and not being on drugs her quality of life may improve.

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy glad you are doing well.  I have just completed my 6th cycle of CDT have to say tho the last cycle was rough.   and my stemcell harvest is booked for 24th August so finger x.  My proteins are now 2 and im hoping they stay there and not creep up. xx



    Hi Cartdaw.

    I remember my time on CDT and it wasn’t pleasant at all. I was in and out of hospital all the time. I hope your harvest goes well and you get the millions of the beauties you need quickly. Then go on to a very successful SCT.

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy x

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