My lovely mum has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma

This topic contains 15 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  ilovemymum 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hi everyone, many thanks again for your comments its so helpful. Eve I wouldn't have known that the kidneys could clear so thats good to know x That sunshine didn't last long so hopefully slim won't be needing his factor 50 at the moment! I didn't realise the chemo affects your sun tolerance, mum hasn't been out much apart from the hospital trips.Vicki and Colin you are right when my mum is bright I feel much brighter too and we have to hold on to these feelings x Jill sounds like our mums are having similar treatment, my mum isn't on anything apart from velcade at the moment, originally when she spent a week in hospital they gave her steroids for about 4 days but then the renal people wanted her to have the velcade because of her kidneys so since the hospital stay its just been the velcade. She has an appointment on the 3rd July with the Haemotology people so think they will find out more then ( I can't go with them as my son is having an op that day). Take care hope you are all having a good day. Lots of love Rachael 🙂

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