
This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  iang 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    hi I have just been referred to hospital , gp said my ESR blood test came back high three times , is this the only test she would need to refer me with suspected myeloma




    I would have thought blood tests for paraprotien and free light chain levels and a urine test for Bence Jones protiens too.

    Kind regards Karen



    Hi Angela

    High ESR can be caused by a number of conditions. The test is cheap and non-specific, i.e. it doesn’t indicate a particular condition. If your GP rules out more likely or obvious conditions she might suspect Myeloma in which case she will refer you to the haematology / oncology department at a hospital for more tests, including those suggested by Karen. If blood and urine tests indicate Myeloma they can also do bone X-Rays, one or more scans (MRI, CT, PET), and a bone marrow biopsy (BNB). Diagnosis is usually confirmed by finding Myeloma cells in the bone marrow.

    See for example:

    But this is getting way ahead of where you are now. Myeloma is a rare cancer and I should think there is a good chance that your abnormal ESR is being caused by another condition.

    Good luck, Ian

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