Myeloma deep in right parirtal lobe of my brain

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    Hi, I’m Sharon I’m 49 years old, 50 next month. I have a husband and 3 children aged 10-20 years old. I have been investigated for a brain tumour for the last 8 mths including 2 brain biopsies, numerous MRI, LP’s, Plasma exchange etc, etc. At the start they said I had a Glioma, then CNS Lymphoma, then Tumefactive MS, then CNS Lymphoma and now as of a call Friday, from my new Haematologist I have never met the diagnosis is Myeloma of the brain tissue which is extremely rare. I know it can be in the skull or on the surface of the brain but mine is deep inside. They tell me the treatments for Myeloma wont work as the drugs don’t cross the blood, brain barrier and Lymphoma treatment isn’t very effective. I haven’t been on Dexamethasone or anything else (other than pain killers) since Nov and the tumour has been growing ever since whilst the doctor try and work out what to do with me being referred backward and forward. I’ve been a nurse for 30 years so I know who difficult my case is. Its only since they went back and did clonality studies on both biopsies that we have got this far.(biopsies originally showed demyelination and a large amount of plasma cells around a blood vessel. The clonality studies showed they were single cell.) I am booked to go into hospital next week for another MRI, PET scan and more bloods after being family isolated for 5 weeks. I have so many mixed emotions right now I wouldn’t know where to start. But I wasn’t painted a rose picture at all. I know it is a long shot but has anyone got similar experiences. hearing about them would be appreciated. Sharon



    Dear Sharon,

    I am occasional visitor to this site so I saw your post only this morning. I was very sorry to read about your illness and hope that my own experience may help.

    10 years ago, also at the age of 49, I was diagnosed with myeloma. My main symptom was the sudden onset of double vision, which was the result of a mass at the base of my skull pressing on a nerve. My path to diagnosis was unconventional but I quickly arrived under the care of Professor Kwee Yong and the haematology team at UCLH. They were wonderful. I quickly learned that I had an unusual presentation of the disease, and that the blood brain barrier was an obstacle to conventional treatment. I was admitted as an inpatient and received high doses of two chemotherapy drugs more often used to treat leukaemia – idarubicin and cytarabine. I understand that both can pass the blood brain barrier. The effect of the treatment was quickly visible: my sight began to return to normal within a week or so. However because of the high dose I was in hospital for many weeks.

    Subsequently my case was written up in a paper so the precise details of the treatment should be available to your doctors via that route.

    Some months later I received a stem cell transplant, radiotherapy and consolidation treatment and I remain in remission all these years later.

    I hope this helps,


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