Myeloma Diagonsis Pathway download for GP's

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Harmony 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Just received this reply from my GP who I forwarded on the download to last week….” Thank you for your information regarding the myeloma diagnosis pathway. As a GP I do often worry about myeloma because of its vague symptoms and the difficulty diagnosing it. The pathway you have sent me is really quite informative and I will certainly circulate it amongst all the clinicians in the practice to raise awareness of myeloma as a possible diagnosis and hopefully pick things up as early as possible in as many patients as we can. Again, thank you very much for that and it is much appreciated. Kind regards,

    Our surgery has just had an influx of newly passed GP’s as the rest have all reached retirement at the same year, so my retiring GP suggested I now see the younger ones so that my diagnosis will always stick in their minds and hopefully catch people sooner.So this download couldn’t have come at a better time for our surgery.

    So although today I hate my diagnosis at least it might mean that others in my surgery are caught as soon in the myeloma journey as I have been.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  pipmcfadden.


    Well done Helen. I think that this also illustrates that we can’t blindly assume that Doctors are completely up to date with everything -nowadays, we can be better or equally informed.

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