Myeloma, kidney failure & SCT.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jet 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi, my Hubby who is now 63 years old, was diagnosed with myeloma Nov. 2010. It has wrecked his kidneys. He has dialysis 3 times a week.

    He's currently on his 6th cycle of chemo. He's taking thalidomide and dexamethasone. He's just had another bone marrow biopsy to show how the treatment is working.

    Stem cell treatment has been mentioned but his doctor doesn't think he's strong enough to go through it – but if Hubby wants it she will consult with her colleagues. We've been told to read up on it and discuss it between ourselves. Hubby says he doesn't care how sick it makes him, if they decide he can take it – he wants it. We are going to leave the final decision up to the experts.

    We would welcome any information from anyone who has been or is in, a similar situation.

    Clucky & Hubby



    Hello chucky and Hubby

    I was diagnosed in Jan 09 with double pnuemonia renal failure and as it turned out MM the first treatment I was give was idarubcin which made my kidneys even worse they were preparing me for dialysis I had a wonderful renal consultant who put me on sodium bicarbonate tablets along with the steriods my kidneys improved a bit and are now stable but i will now have chronic renal failure for however long i live my kidneys are working at about 20% I decided not to have the SCT first of all it nould probably have put me into complete renal failure as it is very strong chemo they give you also there was a possibility of killing me I have been in remmission for about two years I hope this helps I was 61/2 when first diagnosed




    Hi Badger, Hubby has 3 & 3/4 hrs dialysis three times a week, they say there is little chance of his kidneys improving. He still passes some 'water' which is a tiny plus. You've given us something to think about 'kidney wise'.

    Clucky & Hubby



    Hi Jo

    Thanks for the nod towards Sodium Bicarbonate.

    A non-MM friend (who's done a fair bit of research as she has lupus) mentioned it the other day on the subject of changing one's pH balance to a more alkali envrionment. An alkali, low-sugar and oxygenated environment is very anti-cancer, so for MM patients with kidney problems, it would seem that bicarb is a good (and easy/cheap) way to go.

    I also take turmeric each day, along with 2gr of Vit C, as it's an excellent anti-oxidant. Can't harm and may do good.

    Sorry Clucky, for taking over your post, but maybe it could be useful for your husband too.




    Hi Jet

    I get my sodium bicarbonate from the docter on perscription I think a tub of 56 5oomgs capsuals is £17.00 you might get your docter to give you some I have also read about them having anti cancer properties although my consultant said he had never heard of it I also take an 800mg vit c tablet and a pure allicin tablet I have read about turmeric having good effect on some cancers but have not tried it myself do you take it in tablet form I have been reading your blogs keep it up

    Love Jo 😎



    Thanks for that, Jo.

    I've asked my kidney consultant for his opinion, as I know bicarb is high in salt, which is obviously not good for kidneys. Also, what I've read about it in terms of helping kidneys, is about stopping progression of the disease, but not reducing it. And my kidneys are already improving from the improvement of the myeloma and calcium levels going down to "normal", so on that count it may not be useful for me, but I still think in terms of changing the pH balance of my body, I'd like to try it if he doesn't have an issue with it.

    My friend just takes bicarb in a glass of filtered water, with some turmeric thrown in for good measure. She follows it up with a glass of plain water, to take the taste away, I think.

    As for the turmeric, I did buy some capsules from a health food shop, but they're expensive, so then I bought some empty capsules off ebay and filled them myself with turmeric spice from a normal food shop, but you end up with yellow hands. I'm thinking I might try my friend's way, but with all the tablets I take and my struggles with eating and taste, I'm reluctant to shove more unpalatable things down me.

    I think you could up the dosage on the Vit C, if you wish to increase your antioxidant input. Apparently, you can take up to 6gr a day without any ill effects. I take 2 x 1gr caplets. They're huge, but go down ok. I'm also taking Vit B complex and chlorella, as chlorophyll is supposed to be good against cancer cell growth and acts as an antioxidant in the body.

    Good luck!

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