Dear All
My name is Sara and I work for Myeloma UK. For the next four weeks, we are conducting an online survey into patient experiences of autologous stem cell transplant and I would be very grateful if anyone who has had a transplant in the last couple of years could complete it for us.
The survey will help us to find out valuable information about the needs, expectations and concerns of patients, before, during and after their transplant, as well understanding more about the information and support they receive. The responses we collect will be used to improve the information provided to myeloma patients and to highlight ways in which healthcare professionals can improve the support they offer to patients who are undergoing a transplant.
The survey should take between 20 – 30 minutes to complete and responses will remain completely anonymous. To take part in the survey, cut and paste to open the following link:
Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these important questions. We are very grateful for your help.