Myeloma XL trial

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  san 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hello, i wonder if somebody can advise me about a symptom that my Mum has. Mum has Myeloma and is in hospital and is at the end of her first RCD cycle, she describes feeling as though she at the top of a mountain and then comes crashing down, she is distressed at these times and tries to hold on to something as she feels so dizzy, could this be the chemo side effects or the myeloma or something else, ie a bit of dehydration. Gosh this is a hard illness to manage and even when our loved ones are in hospital it is important to keep an eye over what is happening as things can get missed, thank you San.



    Hi San
    I was on the CDT chemo . 6 x 3 week cycles , prior to SCT this jan.
    I had four days twice in each three week cycle of the steroid Dex , that is the " D" your mum is on, I took 40 mg/ day
    To be honest I loved the effects of steroids when on them for the four days , gave me big energy surge, wife said I became Rambo with attitude
    But the day after I stopped , I was physically very down & spent most of the day lying down , totally no energy , after 24 hours bac,k to normal
    Both be positive , you can & do get through it , this lot posting are also a great help !
    Hope this helps



    Thank you Peter, it helps to share, hope that all is well with you too, San



    Hi San
    I was kicked out of Christie Manchester on 1st Feb , having gone though all the poison warfare very well
    Three weeks ago to I was told i was now remission , not a trace of the hated pp
    Still a very happy bunny
    Tell your mum to stick at it , don't mind me asking her age & where being treated



    Hi Peter, yes Mum is 76 now she lives in Devon, currently in a community hospital to build her up but intially diagnosed when in Torbay hospital on the oncology ward 3 weeks ago,sadly Mum has quite a lot of bone damage to spine and shoulder and it has been such a shock to the family and so sad to see her suffering, she is being so courageous though,great news that you are in remission, bet that you are over the moon and thank you for your support this evening and we will keep pushing on, best San.

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