Hello, I wanted to share my journey with you. I was first diagnosed in February 2001, after a medical at work. At first was couldn’t take it all in, as a family we were being monitored for breast cancer, was even on Tamoxifen. So to be told I had a cancer, which I had never heard of, was to say the least unbelievable. I was started on VAD (Vincristine and Dex), a very harsh regime, in October 2001 I had my first SCT in UCHL under the wonderful Professor Goldstone. Compared to others I had quite an easy time, was home within 2 weeks. In order to maintain my remission I was put on Interferon. I re-started treatment about 18 months later, as the beast had raised its ugly head. I decided to put a 2nd SCT on the back burner and try other treatments. I had ZDex, Velcade which had recently become available, low dose Melphalan and Dex. Had my 2nd SCT in October 2008 using stem cells harvested in 2001, was again at UCHL. I was home within 2 weeks. Since that time I have been on Thalidomide as a maintenance treatment, started off at 50mg daily but this has changed to 50mg on alternate days, because I suffer from debilitating cramps. During my journey I have visited all the places that were on my wish list, Canada to see family, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Hawaii (been there twice as I so love the place), Caribbean, Europe and Canaria Islands. I have a beautiful granddaughter, something which I thought would never happen, as you can imagine she is a complete joy. I have wonderful friends and family. As of December 2016 the beast has not raised its ugly head. I did not return to work because of side effects and I wanted to enjoy my new life to the full.
Since 2001 there are more treatments available, there were very few in 2001. Altho no cure has been found the treatments have come on leaps and bounds in the past 16 years, and long may it continue.
Never give up hope, its a very bumpy journey with a lot of big potholes, but hang in there. Yes your life does change but then there are always new roads to follow in any life.
I wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year.