Hi Melvin
My husband was on the MX1 trials and had 6 cycles of CDT,after that they sent him for a BMB part of trials!! In the meantime Kappa light chains were going down all looked well for remission and SCT,but when the BMB came back it showed he was no were near remission,it had gone up to 80 percent in bone marrow,treatment was looking if it worked but it had not.
The kappa light chains and PP are no longer acceptable as markers for the Myeloma,he now has BMB every 2 months.,I am told my husband is unusual and his Myeloma complicated,but when I ask why,I do not get any real answers!!!!
Over a period of 2 1/2 years we have accepted,that the only way we can tell about his condition,is BMB and his general health,I have learnt to be pushy and ask for test,my answer to consultant is prove me wrong,the only thing I cannot get is a PET scan,and I have argued a good case for it,if I go private it will cost me up to £1000 ,still keeping it in mind.Eve