New immune vaccines beng tested

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi Jet

    Great link and I for one would be up for that if I ever need it 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Jet
    Sorry cannot get the link,are you talking about this new one just coming out of Israel!!!
    Cannot get the Dailmail link.
    How is life treating you !! Eve



    Yes, it's the one in Israel. If you can't click on the link, just Google Daily Mail Israel ImMucin. Worked for me.

    I'm quite well at the moment. Tomorrow's my last day of Velcade. Bit wobbley from the Dex, but energised, so it's ok. Just finding trouble typing straight and I have college assignments to complete. Ah well, it'll all get done. Off to Paris next week prior to allo SCT on 16 May.

    Hope you're well too, Eve. x



    Maybe try this link:

    If it doesn't work, just search the Daily Mail page for ImMucin.



    Hi Jet

    how are you not heard from you for a while, thanks for the link

    Regards Jo x



    Thanks Jet
    have been reading up on this for a few weeks sounds very promising,talking about world trials.

    Slims managed to get to SCT stage after CTD then Velcade so fingers crossed.
    Going to Kings 23 April told 4 to 6 weeks in hospital.

    Good luck for the future with your Allo SCT.Eve



    Does anyone from MUK have any news on whether this is a drug we should be excited about or whether it is too good to be true….first time in ages I have been positively optimistic about what could be ahead of us, but I am wary as nothing was mentioned about this sort of vaccine at the info day.



    Maybe they don't talk about things that are that far in the future…?

    I don't know as I only went to the morning of our local Info Day last year. I got bored and it was a sunny day so we left. Bad form! LOL!

    It sounds quite exciting, but probably not for us, but those who come after…?



    Hi Jet, I must have missed a thread somewhere when I read you are having another SCT and an Allo at that.
    I remember you having your first the same week as my 2nd in Aug 2011.
    Didn't the first one work? and what rotten luck that you have it all again after such a short time.
    Who decided on the Allo route? and is your donor a close relation or a stranger.
    Whatever the case I do hope all goes well for you and that you have a long remission at the end of it.

    All the best.




    Hi Jet,

    I think you may be right concerning this treatment, I can't see it being licensed for at least three years, what with trials results to be collected and collated and approved, plus the licensing process which will mean America then Europe… it is more likely to stretch to five. Unless of course they hand their findings and research over to an American company… but even then that would only bring it down to about three years… but it does look promising. There may be good news for some UK MM'ers if they take the trial worldwide… as with Carfilzomib, which I narrowly missed out on.

    Carfilzomib will be with us in about two years… so that is our next 'big thing' from what I can see.

    I see that Keith's reply has landed in the middle of this thread… he asks if your allo is by way of someone you are connected with or a stranger? Either way I wish you well with the procedure and I hope it brings you enough remission to stretch to Carfilzomib and hopefully the ImMucin.





    Hi Debs

    This is indeed very interesting and we will be posting a briefing on the news section and on here next week.

    Vaccines in general have been looked at for a while in myeloma and other cancers. This particular vaccine is stimulating the immune system to target a protein called MUC-1 which is over-expressed in ~90% of all cancer cells including myeloma. Although the study is still in the very early stages, myeloma patients who were given the vaccine produced an immune response which in some cases led to a reduction in their myeloma. However, more patients need to be tested.

    This trial is not available in the UK ? only in Israel at the moment.

    If anyone has any questions then please do phone the Infoline

    Best wishes




    Thanks Ellen,
    Just need to stay in remission for a good 4 or 5 years or more and hopefully there'll be some trials in the UK by then…..or maybe we'll be even further along the line 🙂
    Always good to have some hope in the pipeline!!!
    Look forward to reading MUK's work on this next week
    Debs x

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