New "member"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  christineh 7 years, 2 months ago.

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    I’m 55 and was identified as having MGUS nearly 2 years ago.  I’d had 6 monthly blood tests since, the last one being in June.

    In August I suffered a wedge fracture in my spine and the biopsy taken 4 weeks ago (when they carried out kyphoplasty to correct the fracture and reduce the pain) indicated a plasmacytoma.  I saw an oncology consultant last week and hesuspects that I have myeloma.  I’m to have to have bone marrow sample taken tomorrow and full MRI has been requested – to confirm either way.

    This is a bit of a shock to me, and I’m just a bit curious as to how my blood test in June indicated that all was ok but I had the wedge fracture due to the MGUS in August??

    Has anyone else suffered the same?   And do I need to fear this bone marrow procedure tomorrow?  I’m a bit of a wimp…

    Grateful to hear from anyone with similar experience please?





    Hi Christine,

    Sorry about your news. Myeloma patients all seem to be so different so it’s hard to know the speed at which things develop.  I was diagnosed in August 2013 with free light chain myeloma, but told the month before I definitely didn’t have myeloma! Think it can take a while until they know what to look for.

    Anyhow, about the bone marrow biopsy: I’ve had quite a few, about 8, as I took part in a trial which meant for me many more than usual. I’ve had them with and without sedation no bother, but 1 bad experience without and I now make sure I get it all the time. It takes a bit of coordinating booking in an anaesthetist, so I would recommend you call today and tell them how you are feeling. Ask for a myeloma specialist nurse or similar as they should help. Your aren’t necessarily a wimp as it is understandable that you are nervous. That way you will worry less which will help.

    Whatever the outcome and assuming you will have hospital consultations, make sure and have someone with you, especially at the early ones. They can take notes as so much information is passed between you and your consultant, and they can ask questions too. Ask all your questions, big and small. And I’d highly recommend attending a myeloma UK info day – if this is the case. I’ve been to a couple of different ones, and highly recommend the London one that usually takes place this month. Although I’m sure there are other good locations too.

    Hopefully you will get good clear news afterwards. Best wishes to you,




    Hi Jan

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write such kind and supportive words – especially as you are also suffering.

    I will take that on board and will get in touch with the hospital regarding the anaesthetist.  I bruise incredibly easily and I’m also fearing the soreness afterwards.

    I am lucky in that I have an extremely supportive family and my husband is more than happy to attend appointments with me – I’ve had a flurry of them the past few weeks, which I’m guessing is quite normal.

    Anyway, onwards… Thank you so much again Jan for all your very helpful advice – and I wish you all the very best too.


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