new to forum

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ianswife 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #132275


    hi everyone, I am new to this forum and hopefully it can provide me with some missing information. My husband was diagnosed with MM over 8 years ago. His was found when his kidneys failed. He has been a dialysis patient now for the last 7.5 years. He has had 2 rounds of chemo both followed by stem cell transplants.and he had 4 years in plateau after his first before he relapsed and needed the second one. It’s been 4 years in April since the second one and his light chains are still very good.  Although he is quite well at the moment it’s always on our minds that it could relapse again at any time. I have so many unanswered questions as my husband does not want to know anything about his treatment. This makes it very difficult for me to ask questions of the doctors as I don’t want to upset him.  I know there are more treatment options available us for when he does relapse but I have no idea how many times he can go through a relapse. Also the biggest question I now have after trying to read up on the condition is can he have amylodisis  more thane once? I have read about people getting it and it affecting the heart and intestines. As he already had it in the kidneys does this mean we won’t get it again? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks xx

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