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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi everyone I got diagnosed in June this year. I have completed 4 cycles of chemotherapy and all seemed to have gone very well with very little side effects. Soon as I completed started having some side effects like diarrhoea, pain in my legs and numbness on my feet. Nurses told me it’s normal and the side effects will get better but not much intervention as I have already finished chemotherapy. I am now preparing for SCT and going for harvesting this week. Just wanted some reassurance as I am told its not a pleasant process. Also I was in the middle of applying for a mortgage and most lenders now asking for a return to work date before considering our application as my payslip states I am on sick leave. Is it something that can happen quickly or I need to put everything on hold until I get back to work.



    Hi,I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma last August and similar to yourself I had 4 doses of chemo.I was harvested beginning of April,it was easy and pain free and then I was admitted two weeks later for stem cell transplant.This again went very well,the only thing I warn you of is when the infusion starts all you can taste is tinned tomatoes and you smell of them for a few days.After discharge it took me until September before I was back to near normal.I must admit that I am 70 years old and I feel fitter now than I have done in years.Hope all goes well,take care



    Hi rr,
    The side effects generally do improve over time, but definitely keep your medical team updated with any changes to the side effects as if they get worse there may be things they can do to help with them.
    My dad had his SCT back in 2013. It all went well and he had a few side effects, mostly gastrointestinal and change to taste, but the biggest thing was thew fatigue. I’d say it probably took him 6 months post SCT to get near normal energy levels back but he definitely got stronger every day. He was lucky as didn’t suffer from any mucositis as I made him suck ice cubes non-stop throughout his melphalan infusion which definitely did the trick despite his complaining!
    I hope it all gos well and the side effects start to ease soon. xx

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