New to the Forum

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  stjohn 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi. I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in July this year and like all who go through this first consultation was absolutely gutted and didn’t really hear the next hour. The biopsy that morning confirmed the consultants early views and within a week started Chemo. I have completed cycle 2 and start 3 next week. My blood test show an excellent results and am told that with this improvement I will stay on Chemo till the end of the year, with monthly Zoledronic Acid infusion.

    All is going well. I’m 75 years old but up till this Myeloma set in I was very fit, Biked, lots of Golf, Gym and a great deal of gardening to keep up with. Although I still have lower back ache I have started walking again trying to regain my fitness. I am still finding it hard to come to terms with all thats happened and am very frightened for the future, clinically I may not be offered SCT that seems to be one of the main topics of discussion groups and forums.

    In closing I must pay tribute to my Consultant, Clinical Nurse Specialist and all the clinical staff who have been so wonderful over the last weeks. I’m sure without themI do not see how I would have got through this period. A bit of good cheer and encouragement from the forum will really help.






    Hi John

    Sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with myeloma. My husband was diagnosed in October 2012 at the age of 56. He has not had an easy journey but still fighting. There at a lot of new drugs around and there are many members who have not had a SCT. It is devastating on diagnosis but try to stay positive and take one day at a time.




    Hi Maureen
    Thank you for your post, it is encouraging to hear from you, as you say “one day at a time’ there is so much to do but one gets very frightened to make future commitments at this early stage. Seeing my consultant in a few days, look forward to some positive news.


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