New to the Forum

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  paulpix 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,

    I am new to the forum so thought I would introduce myself. My name is Paul and I was diagnosed back in October 2016 days before my 40th birthday, I had Chemo and Radiotherapy followed by a Stem Cell Transplant in 2017 and have now been in remission for 2 years!

    The Myeloma had eaten 1 of my vertebrae and I was in constant pain, I was lucky enough to get an MRI as my blood tests had all come back clear and been told that it probably wasn’t cancer. The MRI told a different story but from that moment the care I received was incredible and now I am out of the brace, treatment free and playing hockey, running and even going on roller coasters.

    Physically my recovery has been amazing and I feel great, but mentally …. well that’s another story. My confidence is well down and I suffer from anxiety now, I feel depressed a lot of the time with no real explanation.

    Anyway, my amazing wife has recommended I come on here and introduce myself in the hopes of being able to talk to other people in a similar situation, so here I am

    Hi everyone



    I can completely understand how you feel. I was 43 when I was diagnosed in 2014. I underwent chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. My treatment was tough but worked amazingly and 5 years on i’m Still in remission, back to work for 4 years and living a normal life. I struggled with anxiety too, it was debilitating and was really making me ill. My decision was to start taking Fluoxetine, maybe not for everyone but for me it made a huge difference. Whatever works for you. Good luck xx



    Thanks Julie

    It’s good to know that other people have felt the same way, sometimes you feel bad feeling the way you do and it helps to know that I’m not just imagining it.

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