This topic contains 49 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by petesilver 11 years, 10 months ago.
Now Girls dont pick on the simple ones leave tom alone lol 😀
Eve My Friend you have a great sense of humour it brightens my bad days up to bloomin good uns 😀 and i am same see it say it I cant bite my tongue as it makes it bleed lol.
Jane trust me girl i have been called worse (aint i Eve Lol xx) its good to chat and for our sins Eve and I plus a few more can and are found loitering on Face Book 😀
Love Tom Onwards and upwards xxx
Hello Happy Tom onwards and upwards
Will track you down on Facebook
hey no tracking am here :::::: tom.lappin.5
Hi Jane
Sorry you were having a downer, hope you are feeling better a bit now! The waiting before treatment starts is nerve wracking and frustrating, wanting to get on with it, but being scared Colin for himself, and me for both of us! How to cope, what will happen etc…..but you do cope because you have too! It's the lifeline to make things better. That said though its hard and forum friends are great support. The myeloma nurse and team are wonderful. I couldn't believe how accessible they are and kind and understanding to all involved.
When it was time for Colin to lose his hair I was getting more and more stressed about it, typically he said nothing. I think it's hard for anyone but seems worse for a woman! A little anyway 🙂 our friend suffered a different cancer lost her hair of course but found some great wigs and ended up replicating one of the styles when her own hair came back! Colin looked absolutely fine without his hair and now it's grown back LOTS he's grumbling because its very curly (you were right eve!)
You will do it Jane, with a good support network around you 🙂
Vicki and Colin x
Good Morning Vicki and Colin
Thanks for your message
Hope you are both okay today.
So have appointment to see chemo nurses today , have so many questions to ask,
Your comment,has put my mind at ease.
Take care both of you.
Jane xxxx:-D
Hello to you all.
Welcome to all newcomers.
Well it's been a while since I wrote something on here , and wondered should I write about my last
Visit to the hospital
This is written with my sense of humour so please don,t take offence
So off I trot to the hospital 2 weeks ago to have my hb checked as was low the week before.
This is the funny part I,m needle phobic so work my self into a frenzy before I give blood
Was told I might h ave to spend 4 weeks in hospital when and if I have S C T, I nearly passed out with shock.
I was also told about the medication I am to be on.Can,t stand taking tablets.
When I was walking out those hospital doors that cigarette was out the packet before you could say Jack Robin lol
I had a very large glass of red that night.
So the moral of this story is
Keep Calm and Carry On
Till I can,t stomach the wine or ciggies .
Does anybody else smoke ,have read through older posts and its never mentioned x
Hi Jane
You will be fine (ish) and yes i uised to smoke,, stopped just three weeks prior to my SCT in 2009, I was just using Patches to help me while i was in Castle Hill having SCT and thought when i am out I would start again 😀 , but it all fell apart as after SCT I couldn't be bothered or want to Roll me Fag so i didn't nor did i have the side effects that i got before when I stopped and the rest they say is History, never touched one nor felt the need for one since.
But the red wine is good for you 😎
Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx
Hello Tom
Good to hear from you
Thanks for the info
I hope it will be the same for me then lol.
I might just ask them to put me in an induced coma for two weeks when I have
Hope your keeping well .
What are you up to for Easter
Are you doing any special
Speak soon onwards and upwards. Tom.
Jane xxxxxxxxxxx.
Hi Jane
Your welcome.
Dont forget during SCT you wont be alloewd out till your fit (ish) so I would suggest patches before you go in to wean yourself off them 😀 that said you will be near a coma anyways as Elaine told me i slept most of the time Lol.
Easter? well no plans but am sure we will be babysitting some time over that week end 😀 , do you have anyplans for that time???.
Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx
Ps did you find me on Face Book >>>>tom.lappin.5
Hello Tom
Nice to hear from you.
Had a visit to haematology today only to be told the Consultant was sick argggghhhhh.
Had bloods taken,no major change
So hopefully will get a call next week as to when I start CTD.
Have a. Very busy week on hence the reason why I delayed the treatment
My daughter and son in law are moving Friday and from then on i will be enjoying e week with hubbie .
How lovely looking after your grandchildren they keep you forever young.
We are are not blessed with any yet.
So Tow onwards and upwards keep well and when I et. Minute will check you out on Facebook
Love Jane:-S
Hi Jane
Well am pleased your Bloods was Ok 😀
And I hope its soon when you start your CTD, Hope your Daughter and Son in Law have a safe move and weather keeps dry.
Yes Elaine and i have the grandkids often we have six :-0 not often we get all six together its a scatter here and their but we do have days when we know we will have them and have on or two staying over at week ends, I tell our Sons (we have three) if you need a sitter book early first in wins lol.
Take care and catcha lata
:ove tom Onwards and Upwards xx
Hi Everybody
Well went to see the Consultant yesterday .This was after the big
Mix up last week.
Consent forms to sign,and then the big question about Thalidomide .
Had to have a pregnancy test done.O dear my husband and I did laugh.
I think the consultant choked a bit when I said "my husband would want
To know who the father was"
So still a few issues to sort out.
CTD now to start next Wednesday argghhhh
PP are stable at 39 .1
Wishing everybody a Happy Healthy Easter
Ps Tom upwards will find you on Facebook in a mo
Jane xxxxx8-) :-S 😀
Hi Jane
You will be fine just don't try and do too much during your Off days.
And I now have you on my Face Book, please be gentle with me Lol
Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx
Hi Jane,
Your post has brought back memories of this time for me, like you had to have pregnancy test at 53…….I was so ill at that time said it would be impossible but still had to get it done anyway!!!!! had test which confirmed I was pre menopausal and so had to have a test every time if I remember correctly for the next five treatments. Do remember having joke with my consultant (who found this part of the discussion quite embarressing)that he must prefer the male mm sufferers as he doesn't have to go through this with them!!!! made the nurse smile at the time I seem to recall! ha ha 🙂
Don't have to have them now though as the chemo prior to stem cell transplant put pay to all that, have now had blood test which confirms I am now post menopausal.
Happy Easter to you and all here on forum.
Love Babs
Morning Babs
Thanks for your reply,
Must admit this pregnancy test thing certainly puts a smile on friends faces when I tell them
Hope you had a good Easter even though it was damn cold
Still lighter nights,puts a little spring in everyone's steps
Take care
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