Hi everyone my name is Fi and I am on here to try and find people who I can share thoughts with. My dad was diagonised with Myeloma a year ago and has undergone one session of radiotheraphy and several of chemo tablets and so far has sailed through. He is getting more tired which is understandable. But after successful chemo his protein levels have now reached the high levels they were when he was first diagnosed. My dad being the age he is (77) is of the generation that never asks questions and trust that the docs will tell him everything without being asked. I have managed to be lucky enough to be able to speak to his consultant in one instance but don't feel able to do so any more. I was wondering if anyone can give any advice as to what this may mean, what causes the protein levels to raise and also if the cancer is staged (I did ask the consultant and he said they dont stage this cancer, but having dealt with cancer in the past with a loved one I know that all cancers are and I feel that I am not being told something). I feel very unsure as to what to expect as I can find out very little from my dad, he doesnt feel the need to ask anything and seems happy to be without the knowledge of what he should expect etc etc. I guess I just like to know the nitty gritty to be able to know what to expect and how we can deal with it. any advice is gratefully appreciated.