Newbie now on the road to SCT

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  keithmt 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #113893


    Hi there all,

    I’ve been following this forum since Aug 2013 when I was diagnosed with MM but I’ve not posted anything about my experience so here goes. I’ll try and keep it brief….

    July 2013
    Had strange pins and needles in feet, went to GP and after a couple of test was diagnosed with high paraproteins and referred to haematology consultant. Bone Marrow Biopsy confirmed paraprotein level of 57 but apart from pins and needles, no other symptoms.

    August 2013
    Put on CTD for 6 monthly cycles. Main side effects during this were lack of energy, bitter taste when eating, loss of appetite, continued tingling in feet and fingers.

    Feb 2014
    A second biopsy (I really don’t like these



    Err…… Why has my post just been chopped off when I submitted it ?????????

    What a pain, I’ll have to try again ….. Grrrrrr



    OK, second attempt to complete my story…….

    Feb 2014
    A second biopsy (I really don’t like these



    OK, this is ticking me off now…….

    I’ve just written it all again and the same has happened. I’ve just realised it may be my smilies that are corrupting it. Luckily remembered to save it this time.

    I might try and do a complete new post and remove the smilies.

    If you want to respond, please do so on version 2.




    Hi Keith

    You managed to post that’s the main thing,perseverance !!!!,keep going and you will do fine.

    I will not offer any advice on SCT,as I am sure things have changed since my husband had his,so this is just a welcome to you. Eve



    Thanks you Eve, very kind of you

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