Newcomer just diagnosed with multiple myeloma.

This topic contains 16 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  eve 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #117469


    Hi Eve,

    I’m sure there’s a lot of us on this Forum that are thinking of you and Slim at the moment.You’re probably as strong as Slim is stubborn but that doesn’t mean people can’t help when needed.

    All the best Richard



    Hi Dick

    I know,I can always remember thinking,I wish I had known that at first,we try to cram all this information in and it is hard,Slims consultant was very good at answering my questions with ” don,t worry about that” hindsight is a wonderful thing! And the best place to come for knowledge is here on this site,there is always someone in front of you on this journey,even for Slim.

    Although what is going on at the moment is not nice,with so many areas of different pain due to many complications,if you consider he was told no more treatment just after Christmas,he is still here,and has no intention to die.
    The palliative team send there consultants out,plus teams,they have completely under estimated Slims will to live. Eve

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