newly diagnosed age 44 starting treatment next week


This topic contains 27 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  davidw 2 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi David
    I’m Tim, another forum volunteer. There’s a lot of encouragement and good advice in the previous posts.
    I was diagnosed at the age of 43 and still remember the initial shock and feeling of loss of control of events. It takes a while to adjust and I wish you luck with the treatment – don’t be surprised if the Dex makes you a bit hyper and irritable!
    22 years on I’ve just applied for my state pension so don’t lose hope.



    Hello Tim,

    Thank you for that message. That’s hugely encouraging and congrats on applying for your state pension!




    Good to see you using this resource and the Under 50s Group. When local support groups are able to operate more normally face to face you might also find that very beneficial.

    It is scary, annoying and just on a purely practical life level, extremely disruptive. Remember that you are not alone and as Tim, me and others show you there are reasons for optimism.

    It can be hard to hold onto that in the early ‘sky falling in’ days when newly diagnosed but one day at a time, the best you can IS good advice.



    Thank you. I will try and bear all that in mind. Thank you again.



    Hi David,

    Just wondering how you are faring now that you’ve got your treatment under way. Two weeks in, it’s a bit early for getting used to the routine but hopefully you are feeling a bit more settled and the side-effects (if any) are tolerable.

    All best



    Hello Tim,

    Thanks for checking in on me. I’ve had my third treatment now. Had that yesterday. Things are ok – no major side-effects as yet. The main battle for me is the mental one, at the moment. I’m finding I feel very anxious and sad most days, which is hard going!

    How’re you doing?




    Hi David,
    Sorry to hear you’re feeling sad & anxious at the moment. It is a very tough thing to go through, not knowing what is coming and how you’re going to feel so not uncommon at all. Try your best to keep focussing on the positives. Whilst there are few more months of treatment ahead of you yet, just take each day as it comes along and with all the advances in treatments it will hopefully not be too long until you are back to a relatively normal life again! Great that you haven’t any major side effects right now, especially with the weather being nicer-definitely get out and make the most of the sunshine before it disappears! Sunny day always seems to help lift my mood so hope it does the same for you. Hang in there and reach out to us or the infoline if you need us xx



    Thank you. I’ll be in touch with the helpline soon, no doubt. I’m also getting some good one to one support from a couple of people I have met here and on another group.



    Hi David
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am 53 & diagnosed with Myeloma in November 2021 after been diagnosed with coeliac disease.
    I have just completed 6 cycles & now waiting for hospital dates for my stem cell treatment.
    Keep positive all the way throughout if you can & also have great family & friends around you for support. Along with the Myeloma forum you will get amazing love & support as well.
    I hope everything goes well for you.
    Take care



    Thank you Peter – that’s a really kind and thoughtful message. Yes, it is really tough at the moment and I’m trying very hard to be positive and find hope.

    I hope you’re feeling ok and that the next step in your treatment goes well.

    Thank you,



    Hi David

    I’m 59 and was diagnosed in Nov 2021 and am on exactly the same treatment as yourself.
    I was stunned on being told that I had MM, and reactions were same as yours.

    Once accepting the diagnosis, ‘my’ attitude was ………… I’ve got MM, it’s had nothing to do with my lifestyle (which has always been active and healthy), and I can’t do anything about it ………………… so ……………… take the treatment and get on with it (easier said than done, I realise).

    I started treatment mid November and completed my 4th ‘session’ of treatments end of February. Had my stem cell collection 3rd week in March preparing for planned transplant beginning of May. However ……………… my Consultant then wanted me to have some extra treatment in order to reduce my paraprotein level to as low a level as possible. This is where I am at the moment; after today’s 5th visit of this extra session, I have a 2 week break, then 5 more visits. Hopefully paraprotein level will reduce and the transplant can progress. I also had some radiotherapy last week to help my aching back. So ………… I guess the message I’m trying to convey is, while you ‘may’ well be given a bit of a treatment plan, do be prepared for interruptions, but remember it’s for ‘you’ and with ‘your’ best interests at heart.

    Try and stay strong and positive David (which also helps those around you), and try not to bottle things up (which I used to be very bad at doing – my wife might say I still am 😉)

    All the best



    Ps sorry ………… in my earlier post, read ‘session’ as ‘cycle’



    Hello nairb,
    Thank you so much for your message and words of encouragement. I hope your stem cell transplant goes ahead as planned this time! Let me know what happens.

    Good luck with it all.

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