newly diagnosed

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  PeterJames 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi Maria, lovely to hear from you, I have been wondering how you are getting on. Well done getting through the CTD. When do you have to decide about the transplant? My paraproteins are over 40 now so I don't think I will have to wait too much longer to start treatment, I just want to get on with it! Yes it does seeem we have alot in common working in a hospital and having a 13 year old and being the same age! I have everything in place in work when I need it. The hardest thing for me was telling my family, particularly our children and of course my youngest daughter. Keep in touch. Take care Andrea xx



    Hi Maria
    I went through the CDT route , completed last Nov, stem cells harvested in Dec
    Had some more thalidomide to keep the beast at bay. then SCT mid Jan, out in 16 days, bloods recovered quickly, been out of hospital 2/12 months ago, still bit tired , sense of taste not 100%, but getting on with life , work , family etc
    You do not say what your pp is at present
    Mine was 3.8 at SCT
    Four weeks post SCT i had a blood test, waited two weeks , then told not the slightest trace of the beastly pp
    I was told that an SCT could greatly increase your period of remission, so in my view you are halfway through treatment. IE get it done sooner rather than later, if there are no medical reasons to not have it.
    True to say that the first ten days or so are not the happyiest, but once the SCT kicks in you are on your way to being kicked out of hosptal

    If have said many times on this site, be ruthlessly positive with yourself
    , b—r the rest of the world , not easy !
    Go for it
    Kind regards
    PS . 71 in June , but keep that to yourself

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