News about Wendy Duffield

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  rebeccaR 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi everyone

    Many of you will have had contact here or even met Wendy Duffield.

    I’m sorry to tell you that she is now in ITU at Manchester Royal Infirmary, following intensive treatment for AML which developed post-allo transplant.

    Her blood counts are at zero, following the chemo, but now her vital organs are shutting down and she has a serious infection that they’re not getting on top of. She’s sedated and not lucid.

    She’s been a really good friend and we’ve had a number of adventures together. We only met because of MM and have shared so much of the ‘journey’.

    I don’t think she’s going to survive. I’m devastated.



    Dear Jet

    I am so sorry to hear about Wendy.

    I don’t know Wendy but I sense from you,  that she is special and that she means a lot to you.

    I was diagnosed, I think around the same time as you, seven years ago in 2010. I had a stem cell transplant auto, and I remember reading your journey wuth the allo transplant.

    I used to enjoy reading your post and your blog.

    You are funny, bright avd so brave.

    Well, unlike many others with this condition,  we are both here,  and we are lucky..

    Again I am deeply sorry about Wendy.

    Be in touch Jet… you are special …




    Thanks Pips. Sadly she died this morning at 2:45. I didn’t get to see her.

    I’ll post for the whole group to see.

    Don’t be too excited for more blog posts as that would mean that I’ve relapsed and/or back in treatment.

    Best wishes



    I am deeply sorry but at least Wendy went away peacefully..

    and as for you …I miss your post but  I don’t want you to relapse …

    I want you to live life to the full as you do..

    I sense your beautiful lively spirit all those years ago and I never forgot you …

    Strangely it felt as I knew you …



    hello jet I followed your posts  while I followed Deborah  I wAs transplant same time I hold on to you silly I know but I need to hope and you give me that  take care hang on in ,,




    I am so sad and upset to hear this awful news. I followed Wendy’s blog and was aware that she hadn’t posted for a while. I had thought of her recently and wondered how she was doing. I had always admired how she still got on life, enjoying new adventures. I am glad you and she were able to do that. Wendy was a wonderful writer. She had that easy knack of seemingly effortless writing even when it was probably so very difficult for her.  I shall miss that immensely.

    Thank you for letting us know, Jet. I am so very sorry that you have lost a dear friend. My very best wishes to you. Take very good care of yourself.

    Tracey x



    Hi really sorry to hear about Wendy. I followed her blog and was acutely aware she hadn’t posted for a while. One helluva strong vibrant lady…and one more reason for us all to grasp life and live it large.
    Take care

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