Next stage

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    I am off to Dorset for 10 days, before they start on the next stage of preparation for SCT.

    Hickman Line being fitted on 6th Septmeber, then I'm not sure of the timescales after that.

    So I am going to have a break, and try not to think about it too much.

    Watch this space…..

    Love to you all




    Hello Tina

    Good idea having a little break. Whereabouts in Dorset are you going? I'm just outside Poole.

    Have a lovely relaxing time.

    michele x



    Hi Tina,

    Hope you enjoy your break. Colin had his Hickman line fitted recently and he has got on ok with it. We had a bit of a false start with the stem cell harvest, first one failed, but apparently very common that happens. He is having cyclphosmhide cycle priming today and ready for gcsf injections next week. Then harvest again 3/4 September. It's all very daunting when you start but thanks to all on here, seems to be worth it. So you go away and enjoy your break and build yourself up for the next stage!

    Best wishes

    Vicki and colin



    Hi Tina

    Get yesen orf Girl you will love it, have a great time and dont bother with rock for me just bring yourself back all rested and full of beans ready for the SCT

    Love and Hugs

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Tina
    Hope you have a lovely break. And good luck for your next step. Kep well
    Love Jean



    Hi Michele,

    I am off to the Great Dorset Steam Fair, at Tarrant Hinton. We go every year. As we are in the Motorhome, behind our marquee, I will not be mixing with crowds of people. I will probably sleep a lot in the motorhome, as I am still very tired all the time.

    But it is a break from the same four walls.

    I will try and put the next stage of treatment out of my mind for 10 days,
    and come back feeling stronger.

    Take care all of you,



    We havent got to the steamfair for a few years, and left it too late to hire the "all terrain" mobility scooters onsite for this year, otherwise I would have threatened to call in and say Hello, Tina!

    I hope you have a good few days (fingers crossed for not too much rain) and are able to return refreshed and fighting fit for your procedure in September.

    Eliz (in Bournemouth)



    Hi Tina

    Have a lovely holiday – you deserve it. I do hope the weather is kind to you.

    Lots of love as you prepare for the next stage of the journey.

    Mavis xxx

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