No sense of smell

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  suenev 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Has anyone lost their sense of smell after a stem cell transplant?  Had my SCT in January 2017 and only realised my sense of smell had gone in August.  But looking back it may have been late February / early March.  Have been told that if it doesn’t come back after a year it is probably a permanent loss.




    hy  yes my second transplant  was June and I have lost my sense of smell also  don’t think it happened with my first one   most annoying got lovely gift of perfume  can’t smell a thing  but to be fair if that’s what it takes   to kill these troublesome cells then so be it x. annlynne



    Thanks for this!  Glad to know I am not the only one who is affected.  I first realised my sense of smell had gone completely when I went to smell some new perfume and thought it was water!  Such a shame as I have a number of new bottles in stock.  My daughter and daughter-in-law might reap the benefit.

    My ENT consultant is sending me for MRI and CT scans to see if they can find any reason for the loss, but he suspects it is chemical damage and so will have to get better on its own or not at all.

    Sue x



    Just out of interest does this also affect your sense of taste ?



    Unfortunately it does, as 80% of your taste is in your sense of smell.  The tongue can only differentiate between salt, sour, sweet and bitter.  The olfactory nerve and the nose do the rest!

    I now can’t appreciate a good glass of wine and it is not worth buying me an expensive gin!!

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