Nottingham Patient Info Day

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jet 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    I wonder if anyone here will be attending the Patient Info Day in Nottingham on 27 April?

    Also, has anyone else delivered a patient's perspective talk at any of these days?

    I've been asked to speak and quite excited about it, but just wondering if anyone has any tips or things they think they'd like to hear from another patient.




    Hello Jet
    Keith and I each did a spot at last years Newcastle info day. I found it very scary. Keith had his second transplant a week before i had my first, so we each talked about the run up to diagnosis/relapse. His was a seemingly effortless talk and he talked about his involvement with the PEER group too. I confess to copious notes and I did use some slides to keep me on track which was a help to me and I hope amused the audience. Do remember to have your notes on small cards so that there is no rustling by the microphone! I didn't and apparently there was much crackling.
    Good luck with yours



    Hi Helen

    Thanks for your response. I'm not particularly daunted about speaking in front of an audience and I already know the venue. Im trying to decide between using slides or making it more informal. If I do use slides, I think I need to make it a bit funny – photos and so on, not just information. There'll be plenty of information on the day, so I'm aiming for a light relief angle.




    Hi Jet Well done and good Luck 😀 and if you need something for your slide show to make people realy Laugh go on my Face book and nick some photos of me Lol.

    All The best and am sure you will do a cracking job

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Thanks Tom, for your encouragement!

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