Hi Keith,
Thank you for your reply. I think we are all so eager to see dad looking and feeling better. His last blood results were fine, haemoglobin was 11.7, which they said was good and kidney function normal. I've been looking on the Internet about the withdrawal symptoms from the steroids and that seems to cause just as many problems as they do when your taking them!!! Dad is still so weak and tired, but I guess his body has had a lot to deal with lately. He hasn't been out for a few weeks due to his bad chest but we did manage to get him out for a few hours yesterday, just for a bit of fresh air and change of scenery as I think sitting around indoors too long can make him a bit depressed. He did enjoy it but was totally exhausted by the time we got home and had to sleep.
Thanks again Keith. I'm hoping dad will start to feel better soon and be able to join in on this forum. I think it would help him to talk to other people who know exactly how he's feeling and that he's not alone. We all sit there telling him the way he's feeling is "normal" but to hear it from other people may help. I've had a chat with the myeloma nurse on the info line who was really lovely and I've given her number to mum and dad and told them to speak to her too. I'm sure the emotional side to all this is just as powerful as the drugs and it definitely helps to talk about things.
Anyway, I hope your not feeling too bad on your next course of steroids, horrible things!!! I will read this post to dad and hope it reassures him a bit
Take care
Nicola xx