Oh – Oh it's back

This topic contains 32 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Mothas 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi Carol,
    I'm sure others can give more useful advice than I can, as I've not experienced any of what you're going through. I just came across your post and wanted to send my love and best wishes, positive thoughts, whatever, for your recovery.
    I think there's something especially scary about the thought of it coming back when you've been through it once, not least because you have some idea of what to expect, whereas the first time you're just blindly getting on with it! Try to stay positive – by which I definitely don't mean pretending to be fine when that's not what you're feeling, but do keep on believing you are going to come out the other side and that all shall be well again.
    Charlotte xxx



    Thanks Charlotte
    Have cheered up a lot now after all the smashind messages.In fact, I feel a bit of a wimp when I think I have at least had a year off aggressive treatment when so many people are so ill and still waiting for doners etc.
    Anyway treatment going better than thought it wouldbe sofarso good!

    Love and many thanks for the"cheer" up
    love Carol xxxxx



    Thanks Joe
    Lets hope you continue and have a good long run!!!
    Thank you so much for the kind thoughts it has really helped me accept everything and just get on with it – there are such lovely people on this site.
    Best wishes,
    love Carol xxxx



    Just to let you know that after 2 weeks of treatment it's not as bad as I thought it would be even though it's early days. Am feeling much more positive after so many kind messages – they really have given me a lift!
    Best wishes
    love Carol xxxxx



    Hi Liz
    Thanks for that – it realy does help to know that people understand as,it's not always easy to be 100% honest with family and close friends.
    Treatment going well so that's a big relief although I don't knoe if it's working yet!
    love Carol xxx



    🙂 Thank you for your lovely message – just knowing people take the time to write when they are struggling with this themselves makes such a difference
    Love Carol xxxxx



    Thanks Megan
    I'm feeling much more positive now we have got started with things. Also I have met my Macmillan nurse for first time and feel as if I can ring someone with queries without bothering doctors with little things.
    love and a hug
    Carol xxxxx



    Hi Eve

    As you may have read I am feeling better now after starting treatment and meeting my Macmillan nurse – as our pals say on here "onwards and upwards" but I am sure I wouldn't have felt as relaxed and positive as this withoutall the support received from the kind friends on here.
    love and a big thank you hug.
    keep well love Carol xxxxx



    Hi Carol,

    I am so glad to hear it is going well. Starting a new treatment (or treatment for the first time in my husband's case) is always worrying but we have the view that we just need to crack on, so far we have coped and I am glad you are too 🙂

    If you have any questions about PAD going forward just let me know and Phil and I will help if we can.




    Hi Carol,

    Just wanted to say hi, sorry you've had a relapse. I'm glad to read your new treatment regime is going well and you feel more positive. We will always be grateful for the words of support you gave Colin and I at the beginning of his treatment and hope we can support you in return! 🙂

    Colin had his SCT a month ago, so far so good.

    Carol keep your chin up :-), you can do it. You told me you were riding your horse out alone, I remember, you will do that again 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Carol

    Sounds like you have got on the top side of this and things are working for you with the drug regime and am sure it is working for you Carol 😎

    Stay well and fit

    Love and Hugs
    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Carol

    Just caught up with this post. So sorry to hear that you have relapsed. What we all dread. Never the less you sound as if you are coping well now you have got over the initial shock. Well done! I do hope the PAD works well for you. From all I've read, I wouldn't worry that you are putting off thughts of having another SCT after such a bad experience last time. With all the new drugs coming on board there seem to be lots of other options.

    Much love.

    Mavis x



    Hi Jo

    Good to hear news of you! Do hope this next round of treatment gives the old MM a run for its money!! They keep saying that MM is on the verge of becoming a chronic disease let's hope it is for us even if it is a real drag at times!

    Much love.

    Mavis x



    Hi Carol,

    I have followed this thread closely and was very interested to learn about PAD and other such treatments… so I'll restrict myself to saying that I am sorry you relapsed, glad that the treatment they chose for you seems to be going well and a personal wish that you will soon be in remission, maintenance backed or no and feeling as healthy and fit as it is possible to be at this time. 😎 😀

    Loving regards 🙂




    Thank you so much for your lovely message – I'm sure you know just what a real difference it makes.
    You are right – I will be out on Harry again in a few months and we will have forgotten all about chemo.
    love Carol xxxxx

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