On a lighter note…we didn't use the "H" word only "V"

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  adamsp41 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi all…since diagnosis in Jun 2010…we have lost/cancelled or I have been hospitalised or advised not to travel on about 60%-70% of our Holidays (the "H" word)…so this year Jan and I and all family and friends decided to refer to the "H" as Vacation (the "V" word) to see if our rotten run of bad luck with H's could be broken…and lo and behold just had 2 weeks in Madeira and ate and drank pretty much what I wanted ( apart from salads and shellfish )…and suceeded pretty well really…so from now on "V"s it is :-):-) twisting the wife's arm to to book a week away next half term in Oct but she would rather I walk before I can run …will hopefully catch up on posts a little later…gotta get garden sorted>:-( … stay safe….Phil



    Phil, I like it, having just spent the weekend in hospital with a dreaded infection, champing at the bit because we are going on V next Sunday to Majorca.
    S from now on its the V word in this household as well.
    Brilliant, raised a good laugh, thanks.
    Regards Tony F



    Hey guys don't say that, Colin and I are going to Cornwall this weekend to visit friends, first time away anywhere….. It mentioning h or v, we are socialising! So fingers crossed for us and well done you guys for venturing far afield.

    Vicki and Colin x



    S it is you guys, have a wonderful time, s'ing down in Cornwall.
    Fingers well and truly crossed.
    Tony F



    Hi Vicki and Colin…."S" it is then…just as long as you have no troubles on your socialising/break/rest/recess/leave/celebration….Hmmmm I could use these for my future "V" or "S" 😀 ….enjoy the time…stay safe…Phil

    Hi Tony…glad it raised a smile…enjoy Majorca…plenty of factor 50…Phil

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