Once a week treatment

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  greg777 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    my friend recently got diagnosed with multiple myeloma and has been told he has to begin chemo – he’s unsure of the exact regime as of yet.

    His mother had chemo in the past and she only had one session a week – this seemed to fit well with her as she had little side effects and her quality of life remained good. He was hoping that his regime would be similar – once a week – so he can have similar results to her. Does anyone know if this is possible for myeloma ? I’m hoping to be the bearer of some good news.





    Hi Dan,

    I think it will probably depend on the regime and your friend’s specific condition. I had Velcade as initial treatment and that consisted of one injection twice a week. So it involved going to the hospital twice a week, but I was only there for 5 minutes each time so not a big time commitment. Your friend will probably also likely need regular blood tests and reviews with doctors, which again depending on the specific condition, is likely to add to the time. But the chemo itself (depending on the regimen) doesn’t necessarily have to be that much of a time commitment.

    Wishing you all the best,


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