Open ended maintenance treatment


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years, 7 months ago.

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    Good evening

    I haven’t posted regularly on Myeloma UK in the last few years, as my situation has become normalised in my mind to such an extent that I no longer really think about it too deeply. But I hit a bit of a milestone today, and the enormity of it all hit me, how regularised I have made the situation, despite any suffering I experience every fortnight when I take the maintenance treatment (and it is variable, from not bad at all, to feeling quite bad, but mostly middling on that range on average).

    My story: I was diagnosed with myeloma in June 2013, aged 33, unmarried with no children. Very unusual presentation, the myeloma was a lymphoma, with about 8% bone marrow involvement. I was given 7 months to live without treatment. I had two cycles of DT-PACE, followed by a SCT in October 2013. The SCT saved my life as it put the lymphoma right down. Never felt worse though. Then I began weekly cycles of VTD, which continued to October 2014. I had radiotherapy on the diseased lymph nodes in June – August 2014. The thalidomide was dropped around that time after it gave me two blood clots in my lungs. I was confirmed in remission in October 2014. I then began fortnightly VD maintenance treatment, and have been on it ever since. Today I started cycle 60, married, with two children. The paraproteins have been 0 the whole time since October 2014.

    I rarely question whether I should stop the maintenance treatment, accepting that the risk of stopping is too great, so on I go, accepting feeling unwell for those 5 days after treatment day every two weeks. And yet, what if I was cured all this time? Crazy thoughts I know.

    Hope this message can give some optimism to people out there.

    All the best to all of you.



    Hi Beetlejuice,

    Glad to hear you are still here so long after diagnosis, it certainly helps me when I hear of people surviving this long. As for thinking of stopping the VTD, have you considered discussing it with your medical team? I am sure they would give you honest and impartial advice, but the only thing I can suggest is that I dont think they would have kept you on it this long if they didnt think it was doing you any good.

    No matter, you are still here and it sounds like you are enjoying a full life. If having Myeloma has taught me anything, it is to make sure to enjoy whatever I can, and to not put off till tomorrow anything that I want to do today, and that goes for anyone, not just those living with Myeloma.

    Stay positive and let us know how you get on.

    Regards, Tony



    Hi Beetlejuice,
    Great to read your story and how positive you have remained throughout. I can understand your thoughts. It is one of those questions I guess we will never know the answer to but you have to do whatever is right for you. I hope that you continue to enjoy many many more positive and happy years of remission with your family xx

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