Pain Supportive Care Survey – Patient Survey

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    Patient and Carer Pain Supportive Care Survey

    Myeloma UK is conducting a research project which will investigate how myeloma-related pain affects both patients and their families. The research will be conducted by surveying patients, carers and family members and clinicians

    The aim of the research is to ask patients, their carers and their consultants about the impact of living with myeloma-related pain and to establish if there are any discrepancies in perception between those who are directly impacted by pain and those who treat and manage it.

    Myeloma UK has contracted an expert independent research company, Baccus Consulting, to work with us to develop a questionnaire and to conduct the research. Baccus have many years experience in working with other charities and healthcare organisations and they fully understand the complexities of conducting this type of research.

    If the results of the surveys do show a discrepancy then we will use this information to feed directly into our work programme aimed at improving the way in which myeloma is treated and managed and the extent to which healthcare professionals are aware of and understand patient / family perspectives. The results will also help us to develop patient-centred information for patients, their families and their healthcare team and ultimately feed into the Government?s National Cancer Survivorship Initiative.

    If you live with myeloma-related pain, please take ten minutes to complete the patient questionnaire by clicking [url= ]here[/url].

    It is very important that you complete your questionnaire individually so please do not confer your answers with your partner or a family member. All questionnaires will be anonymous so please be as open and honest as you can in your answers. Once the research has been completed the questionnaires will be securely disposed of.

    If you have any questions, please contact Lois at Myeloma UK at

    We really appreciate your help with this research. Thank you.

    Lois Lobban
    Healthcare Professional Programmes

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